Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Cat Bladder Stones

Bladder stones cat (uroliths) are usually one of two different types, oxalate (CaOx) and struvite (magnesium phosphate). The condition can cause cat bladder inflammation, a condition called feline cystitis. Stones are also the result of a disease called FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease).

Oxalate stones in particular are more difficult to treat and unfortunately, the kind that is found with increasing frequency. There is no known reason for the increase in cat bladder stone problems that are oxalate. Struvite stones, which used to be common, are usually prevented by current formulations of cat food (when magnesium levels were reduced) and can often be dissolved without surgery through dietary change to a Prescription Diet. Oxalate stones on the other hand require surgical removal in most cases. 

In general, struvite stones tend to appear in female cats and neutered males tend to suffer from calcium oxalate cat bladder stones. CaOx cat bladder stones can occur anywhere in the urinary tract, and when ureteroliths are present approximately 73% of CaOx stones are located in the bladder. Other locations of cat urinary stones include 7.3% that are located in the ureter, 4.3% in the kidney and 13% from the urethra.

Treatment and Diagnosis of Bladder Stones

The veterinarian will try and determine if there are any underlying problem that caused the bladder stones cat problem. Tests will be preformed to see if serum calcium levels are elevated, since this is an indication of future feline bladder stone problems. If levels are elevated, the veterinarian will look for the cause such as hyperparathyroidism, any tumors (neoplasms) or other cat health problems such as hypercalcemia. The cats blood lipid levels are also tested, since recent research shows this to be an indicator of cat bladder stone formation.

Urinalysis, or a urine test is also. Your veterinarian will check urine PH and urine sediment. Tests will also help the veterinarian choose the appropriate antibiotic if infection is present. Other signs or indicators are an alkaline PH in the urine (6.8+), and reduced dietary magnesium in a cat’s diet.

Oxalate feline stones cannot be dissolved, so they are removed if they are causing any type of illnesses or cat health conditions. As noted any underlying condition would need to be treated as well.


To prevent future formation of cat bladder stones, cat owners should:

1. Increase the cat’s water intake: water is essential for diluting the urine, making it difficult for crystals to combine and form into stones. This can be accomplished by always keeping your cat’s water dish full, the placement of multiple water dishes in the home and adding a flavoring to the water such as tuna or ham. Adding some salt to the diet can also encourage cat water consumption.

  1. Switch the Diet: A canned diet contains significantly more water than dry. In nature, cat’s tend to get their water from food vs. by drinking water directly. As an alternative, water can also be added to moisten dry food. If switching from dry cat food to canned, do it gradually, by slowly changing the proportion of one to the other.

There are Prescription Diets available that can help to avoid future cat bladder stone problems. These foods have reduced levels of oxalate, calcium and other precursors. Visit the Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation website to see what human foods have low levels of oxalate as an indicator of what you should feed a cat that has frequent feline bladder stone problems .

  1. Supplements: Some research shows that the medication potassium citrate in the form of Urocit-K Tablets for Cats may help to avoid future problems at a dosage of 100–150 mg/kg/day for cats. Be sure to discuss this option with your veterinarian as it requires a prescription.

4. Natural Remedies: The Natural Remedy UTI free is available without a prescription, and can be helpful as a supportive therapy to restore the urinary health of your cat. Natural remedies are safe to use and work by strengthening the immune system and by helping the body maintain a normal urine PH. This in turn helps to prevent cat urinary tract infection and stone formation in the bladder.

Struvite bladder stones cat will usually dissolve in 1 to 3 months under the care of a veterinarian. After treatment, all cats are placed on a reduced magnesium diet. A Cranberry supplement may also be recommended as a natural way of preventing future problems as berries possess properties which keep bacteria from clinging to the bladder walls in addition to a natural remedy such as UTI Free. These steps in addition to providing plenty of fresh water will help prevent future bladder stones cat problems.

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